Koma Damo






Name: Koma Damo
Age: 49
Race: Selayan
Height and Weight: 8ft, 210lb
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Widower, Not Looking
Distinguishing Features: Average looking Selayan.
Special Skills: Fluent in Breen, Romulan, Klingon, Ferengi, Vulcan, Tellarite and Terran Russian.
Personality and Background: Koma is ussually friendly off duty but fails to understand jokes. Koma was brought up by a well mannered family with a great medical history.
Service Record:Graduated Star Fleet Science top of his class. Science Officer aboard the USS London, transferred to Deep Space 7, stayed on DS7 until promoted to Leiutenant Commander then transferred to USS Nebulon as Second Officer under Captain George Telhan and Commander Verak. Promoted to Commander. Captain George Telhan retired. Captain Verak exposed as a changeling and Koma took control of the USS Nebulon. Koma promoted to Captain. USS Nebulon renamed USS New Nebulon. Koma promoted to Commodore.